We hosted a panel discussion titled “CAREERS: The Myriad of Possibilities”. Our highly esteemed panel of professionals helped unpack career options and development paths within the changing work environment. The concept of work has changed drastically due to the realisation of the 4th industrial revolution characterised by unprecedented technological advancements and knowledge systems, as well as due to the covid-19 pandemic. Navigating a career within this seemingly unstable space can cause anxiety and raise concern.

Herewith a report on the main themes of the discussion. Link to the discussion audio is attached..
(a) Careers are Developed
Careers are developed over time. This is accomplished as an individual actively engages with different environments and ventures through different experiences and opportunities. It takes time to develop - or - craft a career.
Make the most of every experience as you begin crafting your career.
(b) “YOU” Make Up Your Career
Careers as opposed to a job are the sum of your learnt knowledge, interests, experiences, skills, talents and your personality.
One of our panelists used the analogy of an army to convey this point. All persons in the army are regarded as soldiers (career). However, amongst those soldiers there are various ranks and or positions (jobs). Among the soldiers they are doctors, nurses, trainers, cooks etcetera (professionals). There are various professionals within the one job unit. Each individual in the unit possesses a unique array of characteristics and yet successfully function as a unit of soldiers.
As an individual you bring your own unique personality, authentic self, learnt knowledge and skill to the workplace. These unique attributes combine with deliberate effort are necessary in crafting a career.
(c) Continuous Learning
The workplace of the future will demand continuous learning. Reskilling and upskilling will be expected to meet the fast changing demands of work.
Be encouraged to begin a training programme or take up a new course. Your development is a personal journey. Learn at your own pace.
Lifelong Learning!
(d) Divergent Careers
Divergent careers are increasingly characterising the modern workplace. Be open to appreciating the opportunity within divergent careers. The emphasis is on seeking opportunities that make the best use of an individual’s skills, knowledge and abilities. Using learnt transferable skills to meet diverse and at times seemingly unlikely career opportunities.
Do not be restricted by a title and or qualification!
(e) Information Technology (IT) Application
The workplace of the future will require all persons to have an IT appreciation, and more importantly to be able to apply IT knowledge in their work roles. Not everyone needs to be an IT wiz but everyone will require basic application skills to navigate the modern workplace.
(f) Introspection
Self-introspection is necessary in identifying one’s strengths, interests and abilities. Honest reflection can be helpful in identifying satisfying career options. Self-reflection builds self-awareness which can assist in identifying divergent opportunities.
Interest and Abilities Assessment are great tools.
(g) Logical Incrementalism
The various elements of life come together to create a complete being-individual. There needs to be strategic outlook at joining the different dots – experiences in crafting a career. Deliberate efforts to help connect the various dots. Our world is constant flux, and it is difficult if not impossible to plan everything. However, being mindful of and acknowledging those dots will assist in creating a satisfying and unique career.
(f) Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence refers to the ability to manage and regulate one’s feelings and emotions. The workforce of the future will need to develop Emotional Intelligence to accommodate different sources of stress and or conflict as artificial intelligence and virtual interface become the norm within the hybrid workspace i.e. virtual meetings.
(f) Self-Promotion
Self-promotion will be a paramount skill of the workplace of the future. Being able to articulate oneself with confidence and convince others they are capable to perform a job task – or – job role will be an essential skill. This skill can be developed.
(g) Networking
Networking is a key activity! Purposefully engage in networking-engaging-sharing with other people. These networks may open doors to synergies and opportunities as the workplace of the future becomes a space of co-creation as well.
The discussion highlighted many pertinent issues to navigating careers within the fast changing workspace. Technology is constantly changing the manner of operating for many job roles as well as causing many jobs to be rendered obsolete. To remain relevant within this volatile space continue to develop your human capital; knowledge, skills and abilities.
Please follow the link below to listen to the discussion audio